Root Canals Service in Racine, WI

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Racine Dentistry Root Canals Services
When decay or trauma causes the interior of the crown, called the pulp, to become infected. Root Canal Therapy is required to restore the tooth. At Racine Dentistry, Dr. Budzinski routinely performs Root Canal Therapy.
When to Have a Root Canal
The following may be symptoms of nerve damage that can be repaired with a root canal procedure:
- Sensitivity to hot or cold
- Severe toothache
- An abscess on the gum (diagnosed by the dentist)
- Decay has spread to the nerve and tip of the root (diagnosed by the dentist)
Root Canal Therapy is performed to remove the infected pulp. Once removed, the pulp and canals can be shaped, disinfected, and sealed. The tooth will remain alive, being supported by the tissue and bone. A majority of teeth requiring Root Canal Therapy also need a crown.